Use your points to make a difference in community schools!

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First, find your school. Then read about it and make a donation. It’s a great way to help young minds discover the importance of being green!

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Hamlin Elementary School

Project: Native Plant Pollinator Garden

We are looking to save our native pollinators by restoring their natural habitat with native plants and flowers. This garden will attract bees, birds and butterflies using native plants. Our students will be able to learn about the importance of pollinators and help our garden grow.

100% to goal

Hampton Elementary School

Project: Cafeteria Food Waste Composting Initiative

Hampton Elementary would like to decrease our contribution of organic waste to landfills and help students learn about waste management and an individual’s ability to help the environment by establishing sustainable habits.

100% to goal

Long Meadow Elementary School

Project: Outdoor Classroom Planting Area and Teaching Supplies

Learning outside helps boost mental health, encourages creativity, and promotes the love of outdoors and nature. Our goal is to enhance learning for students in Transitional Kindergarten through Fifth grade by adding a planting area and a set of classroom whiteboard/clipboards to our outdoor classroom area.

100% to goal

Rochester High School

Project: Sustainable Space: Fostering a Sustainability Mindset

Create a mindset of sustainability by incorporating elements of biophilic design into school by offering teachers the choice to introduce a green plant or biophilic artwork into their classroom to support a connection with nature and by designing “The Sustainable Space” with access for all to personal reusable utensils, bottles and containers.

100% to goal

University Hills Elementary School

Project: Native Pollinator Garden

Our goal is to expand on the Michigan native garden we began at our elementary school last year, using plants that attract and nurture pollinators necessary for our environment.

116% to goal